Juvenile Curfew


-For the purpose of this City Ordinance,

– a minor is any person less than seventeen (17) years of age who is not legally emancipated and is not legally married.

-a parent is a natural parent, adoptive parent, step-parent, or a person being at least 18 years of age and having written authorization from a parent or
guardian to provide for the care and custody of a minor.

-Curfew/Curfew Hours shall mean those hours between 11:00pm and 6:00 am inclusive.

-for further definitions, please refer to the full City Ordinance at the link below


Violation by Minor: A minor commits an offense if the minor remains in any public place or on the premise of any establishment within the City of
Lavon during curfew hours.

It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under section 8.02.032 (a), (b) and (c) of this article that:

The minor was accompanied by his/her parent or legal guardian;

The minor was accompanied by an adult approved by the minor’s parent;

The minor was attending, going to or returning from, without stop or detour and using the most direct route, any school, religious or other activity
supervised by adults and sanctioned by a government, civic or church entity that takes responsibility for the minor.

The minor was on an emergency errand;

The minor was engaged in lawful employment activity or going to or returning from, without stop or detour and using the most direct route, any
lawful employment; or

The minor is married or had been married or had disabilities or minority removed in accordance with Texas Family Code chapter 31.

While the “Violation by Minor” is the most common offense, there are three other offenses listed under this City Ordinance. To see a complete list of
offenses, please read the full City Ordinance at the link below (Section 8.02.032, Offenses).

*This is a summarized version of the City of Lavon City Ordinance Chapter 8, Article 8.02, please read the full ordinance at the links below for more detailed information.*
