City Quiet Hours
It is unlawful for any person to make, cause to be made, or allow to be made any noise that is offensive to the ordinary person OR any noise that
interferes with the public peace and comfort within the City of Lavon.
-Some examples may include: a car horn, music heard from more than 50 feet from the device, loud dog, fowl or other animal, vehicles in disrepair making loud noise,
noise from mufflers not properly maintained, use of a bell, siren or whistle on a vehicle that is not an emergency vehicle, shouting, yelling, or fighting that may be offensive to
residents of the City of Lavon.
City Ordinances only apply to area inside the City Limits.
The Lavon Police Department is unable to enforce
Noise that can be heard inside the City limits, but is
coming from a source outside of the City limits.
Construction Hours:
-Commercial/Heavy Equipment may NOT be operated,
-Construction activity MAY NOT cause loud noise,
– within five hundred feet (500’) of an inhabited residential structure between the hours of 8pm-7am.
-A loud noise includes, but is not limited to: hammering, sawing, operation of backhoes, loaders, tractors, or compressors, or any noise that would disturb the peace and
tranquility of the community.
-Special permits may be applied for with the City of Lavon for an exception to the above hours, please contact the City of Lavon at 972-843-4220
for more information.
*This is a summarized version of the City of Lavon City Ordinances Chapter 8, Article 8.03, please read the full ordinances at the links below for more detailed information.*
City Ordinances only apply to area inside the City Limits.
The Lavon Police Department is unable to enforce
Ordinance Violations outside of the City.