Car Safety

Did you know 90% of Child Safety Seats are either installed improperly or misused? The Lavon Police Department partners with the Lavon Area Fitting Station to check car seats to ensure proper installations and usage. Click on the picture above for more information.

In the State of Texas, ALL passengers of the vehicle, who are not required
to be restrained by a child restraint system, must be restrained by a seat
belt, regardless if they are in the front or back seat.

*This is a summarized version of the state law, for the full version, please refer to Texas Transportation Code 545.413*

Click the link below for more information on the “Click It or Ticket” Campaign.

Click the link below for more information on the “Look Before You Lock” Campaign.

Does My Child Require a Car Seat?

In the State of Texas, ALL children require a child safety seat, that is appropriate for their height and weight, until their 8th birthday OR until they are 4’9” tall; whichever comes first.

*This is a summarized version of the state law, for the full version, please refer to Texas Transportation Code 545.412*

To see more information on the State law, click on the link below.