Police Department

J. Michael Jones
Chief of Police

Chief Jones began his career in law enforcement in 1981 as a Deputy Sheriff in the State of Wyoming.  Chief Jones joined the City of Lavon Police Department in 1999.  He served as Chief of Police from 1999 to 2003.  From 2003 to 2012, he served as the Lavon City Marshal.  In 2013, Chief Jones returned to the position of Chief of Police where he continues to serve the City of Lavon.

Chief Jones graduated from Texas A&M University-Commerce in 2014 with a Bachelor’s Degree.  In 2016, he graduated from Texas A&M University-Commerce with his Master of Science in Applied Criminology.  Chief Jones holds a Master Peace Officer Proficiency Certificate and is licensed by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement as a Law Enforcement Instructor & Field Training Officer.  Chief Jones attended the FBI National Academy Association Texas Command College-2017. Chief Jones also serves as an Adjunct Professor at Dallas College’s Eastfield Campus Police Academy.

You can contact Chief Jones at mjones@lavontx.gov or at 972-843-4219.

Message from the Chief

Welcome to the web presence for the City of Lavon Police Department. While the Police department is the public face of crime fighting, criminal misconduct is a problem that must be addressed by the entire community. It is the duty of our police officers to suppress crime; to identify offenders once crime occurs; and to arrest offenders when appropriate. We shall perform these duties to the best of our ability. To be effective, we require and must strive to obtain, the active cooperation, assistance, and support of the citizens we serve.

Two elements are necessary for a crime to occur: the desire of the offender to commit the crime and the opportunity for him to do so. Often police efforts are intended to eliminate and minimize this opportunity. The most effective means available to the police for crime prevention is meaningful deployment of available personnel; an informed and cooperative community; and the willingness of citizens to report criminal activity. Aggressive crime prevention activities by both police personnel and citizens are necessary.

The community and our Police Officers working together will keep our City a wonderful place to live. It continues to be a pleasure and an honor to serve this outstanding community since 1999.

“The Lavon Police Department is here to serve the members of its community with professionalism and integrity.”