The mission of the Economic Development Corporation is to strengthen and diversify the economic base of the City of Lavon. The Economic Development Corporation serving the City of Lavon was established in 2004 as a 4B Corporation, now known as a Type B Corporation. It is a governmental, nonprofit economic development corporation reporting to the Lavon City Council. The EDC was established to encourage top-quality businesses to place job-generating investments in Lavon while creating a superior environment for business expansion and retention. The EDC generates interest in the region through the publication of marketing materials and data, and represents the City of Lavon on marketing missions throughout the state of Texas and occasionally the nation. The EDC encourages businesses to locate in the region by facilitating their site selection needs in a fair, professional and confidential manner. Each time the EDC locates a new business investment in the region, nearly every company and organization benefits. With more money flowing through the economy, additional revenue flows to the City and local businesses.
MEETINGS The Economic Development Corporation is overseen by a seven (7) member board of directors. The Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors meetings are held at least once per quarter at the Lavon City Hall, 120 School Road. Meetings are normally held at 7:00 PM on the scheduled meeting date and are open to the public. Lavon residents and visitors are welcome to attend. Meeting notifications are posted at City Hall. EDC meeting notifications are also posted on the Economic Development Corporation website. Since schedules are subject to change, please verify the meeting date and time by visiting the EDC website prior to attending.
ORGANIZATION The Corporation consists of seven (7) members who are appointed by the City Council for two-year terms of office. Places 1, 3, 5 and 7 are appointed in even-numbered years, and Places 2, 4 and 6 in odd-numbered years.
Please visit the LEDC website at