Code of Ordinances

Following are the codes and ordinances for use by homeowners, builders, contractors, or others seeking to understand a specific City of Lavon regulation or code requirement.

If there is a specific code or ordinance you do not see listed, please contact City Hall. We will make every attempt to accommodate your requests as quickly as possible.

All forms are in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format.

2017-05-02 Min Constr. Standards Amend.

2017-05-01 ORD Subdivision Code-Maint Bonds

2017.09.02 Ord. Subdivision Code- Adequate Public Facilities

2017.08.02 Revised Burn Ordinance

2017.03.04 Ordinance Displaying Street Address Numbers

2017.03.03 Ordinance Speed zolne Ordinance

2017.03.01 Ordinance Sewer Tap Fee

2017.02.03 Ordinance Amending Fee Schedule 2016-17

2017.02.02 Ordinance Bond Election-Notice of Election

2017.02.01 Ordinance Sales and Use Tax

2016-08-07 Regulating Disposal of Solid Waste

2016-08-05 Ordinance Out Door Burn Regulations

2016-08-03 Ordinance Guidelines for Commercial Filming

2016-08-02 Ordinance Industrial Waste

2016-08-01 Ordinance Curfew for Minors

2016-08-01 Ordinance Curfew for Minors (1)

2016-07-01Ordinance Specific Use Permit Concrete Plant

2016-07-01Ordinance Specific Use Permit Concrete Plant (1)

2016-07-01 Specific Use Permit Concrete Batch Plant

2016-04-01 Revised Fence Ordinance

2016.12.01 Ordinance SUP Batch Plant

2016.09.03 LCR Amendment City Administrator

2016.09.02 Ordinance Levy ad Valorem Tax Rate

2016.09.01 Ordinance Adopting Budget FY 16-17

2016.09.01 Ordinance Adopting Budget FY 16-17 (1)

2016.06.01 City Ordinance Budget Amendment 2

2016.05.02 Ordinance Budget Amendment 1

2016.05.02 Ordinance Budget Amendment 1 (1)

2016.05.01 Animal Ordinance

2016.01.01 Parking Ordinance

2015-09-02 Tax Rate 2015

2015-09-01 Adopted Budget

2015-07-01 Penalty for Violating City Ordinance

2015-05-02 Engine Brake Prohibited Ord.

2015.11.02 Tobacco Free Facilities Ordinance

2015.11.01 Ordinance Curfew

2014-05-01 Ord Comp Fee Sched.

2014-05-01 Ord Comp Fee Sched. (1)

2014.06.04 Ord Comm Sewer Fees

2013-12-12 IRC Ordinance

2013-12-11 NEC Ordinance

2013-12-10 IPMC Ordinance

2013-12-09 IECC Ordinance

2013-12-08 IFC Ordinance

2013-12-07 IMC Ordinance

2013-12-06 IPC Ordinance

2013-12-05 IBC Ordinance

2013-09-03 Ord Tax Rate 2013-14

2013-05-01 Amended LCR

2013.10.01 Ord Adopting 2013 Tax Roll

2012-10-03 curfew for minors

2012.10.03 Limiting Access Gracy Ln

2012.10.03 curfew for minors

2012.08.05 Creating Operations Div.

2012.08.04 Amend LCR CM Vacant

2012.05.01 Amend LCRPkRecLia

2011-08-01 CC as B of A

2011-07-01 Amend LCR postings

2010-04-01 LCR Lavon Code of Regulations

2009-11-03 Delinquent San Sewer Accts

2008-09-03 School Zones

2008-07-02 Public Nuisance

2008-04-02 Drainage Control

2007-07-01 Speed limits SH 78

2006-12-01 Establishing TIF

2006-06-04 2003 Gas Code

2006-06-01 Min. Construction Standards

2005-06-02 Control of Noise

2005-04-01 Building Code Enforcement

2005-02-01 Control of Speed

2003-08-03 Animal Control

2003-08-01 Outdoor Lighting Regulations

2003-06-05 Annex 56.81 ac hwy 78

2003-04-02 Food Service

2003-04-01 Sign Ordinance

2002-11-01 Top Soil Conservation

2002-01-03 Subdivision Regulations

2002-01-02 Right of way maintance

2001-12-10 Commerical Truck Traffic

2001-10-04 Junk Cars

2000-07-01 On Site SewageFac. Regulations

2000-04-05 Extending Subdivision Ord to ETJ

2000-04-04 Permit for Door Solicitation

2000-04-02 Parking Regulations

2000-02-02 Fence Regulation

1999-06-02 Speed Limit Business 78 (Main St)

1999-05-02 Speed Limit FM 2755

1998-02-02 Abatement of dangerous Buildings

1997-06-01 Burning Provisions

1997-06-01 Burning Provisions (1)

1991-05-02 Abuse of 911

1991-05-02 Abuse of 911 (1)

1991-05-01 Prohibiting Fireworks

1991-04-04 Residental Property Maintenance

1991-04-03 Firearms

2018-01-01 Ord. Boundary Map

2017-11-01 Conrol of Noise Amended

2017-09-07 Fee Schedule Fiscal Year 2017-18

2017-09-06 Levy Ad Valorem Tax Rate

2017-09-05 Adopting Budget FY 2017-18

2017-09-03 Right of Way Management Ordinance Amendment

2017-09-03 Right of Way Management Ordinance Amendment (1)

2017-09-01 Planned Development Lavon Farms

2017-06-01Annexation 75.249 Acres-Crestridge Meadows

2017-05-04 Ord. Canvass May 2017 Elections

2017-05-03 Ord Canvass May 2017 Bond Election